HKG-BWN查询香港到文莱机票,文莱飞香港机票在线查询价格 订文莱特价飞机票网站WWW.AIR-SZ.COM.CN 订香港飞文莱往返特价飞机票这里特价一折起批发,订票多多,优惠多多,欢迎来电查询预定价格 1660 HKD 全程结束日期 停留天数 2D~7D航班限制 Valid on SQ/MI Operating Flights with SQ/MI flight number only. Same Booking Class Code apply误机规定 NO SHOW SUBJECT TO NO SHOW FEE HK780.改期规定 1.For all Q class fares only WHOLE JOURNEY VALID ON FLIGHT / DATE SHOWN ONLY.Rebook (Flight / Date changes) Permitted at Self-Reissuance at HK160 + HK50 handling fee Per Transaction.2.For all W / H / M / E / B / Y class fares (except Q class fares)Rebook (Flight / Date changes) Permitted within ticket validity plus HK50 handling fee.Passenger must cancel the original flight before departure.Otherwise, applicable NO Show Fee will be collected at HK SIA Office before revalidation.退票规定 1.For Q class fares only Ticket is NON-REFUNDABLE after ticket issuance. 2.For W / H / M class fares Subject to HK880 refund cancellation fee for totally unused ticket. (NO Partial Refund).3.For E class, B class and Y class fares Subject to HK880 refund cancellation fee for totally unused ticket.Refund for Partially used ticket is permitted, the amount refunded will be excluded the applicable cancellation fee HK880 and fare applicable for the journey completed.备注 此价单从�销售出票适用。1.Fares inclusive of HK Security Service Charge. All Applicable Taxes and other Surcharges are NOT included. 联系我时,请说是在114黄页信息网看到的,谢谢!
